Urbana High School Theatre is set to present HONK!, a musical comedy version of the classic story of The Ugly Duckling. The show will be performed in the UHS Cobb Auditorium May 1 through 4 at 7:00 PM, with a 2:30 PM matinee on May 5.
HONK! focuses around the story of Ugly, a duckling who just doesn’t look like his brothers and sisters. While Ugly’s loving mother, Ida, warms up to him and embraces him for his differences, the other farmyard fowl ridicule him, driving him into the arms of the Cat, who hopes to enjoy Ugly as a lunchtime snack. As Ugly runs from the Cat, he gets lost far from his home. While searching for his way home, he encounters some incredibly fun characters – a pompous military goose, a domesticated hen and her feline companion, a cheery bullfrog, and a young swan – all who teach him different lessons which begin to help Ugly see who he is on the inside, and why his outward appearance is not what matters.
The company for the UHS spring musical, who have been working and rehearsing since early March, is made up of over 40 Urbana High students, a group of students from Wiley elementary school, and even a few staff members from the high school. The show is directed by UHS Director of Theatre Tim Broeker along with vocal directors Erin Mueller and Jacob Goldstein, choreographer Meghan Laskos, and Technical Director Breanna Morton.
In an age where every little kid feels the pressure of pop culture expectations, HONK! is a fun, bright, whimsical musical that helps us remember that who we are on the inside is so much more important than what color our feathers are on the outside. The show explores self-acceptance, personal growth, and tolerance in a way that is truly enjoyable for all ages.
“Honk!” was written by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe and earned the 2000 Laurence Olivier Award for London’s Best New Musical.
Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for children under the age of 12. Discounts are also available for groups of more than 20. To reserve tickets you may call UHS at (217) 384-3505 and leave a voicemail or email [email protected]