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Help the Champaign City Council set their goals for the next two years

A raised platform with an arced desk with microphones places on it, and black chairs pulled up to it.
City of Champaign on Facebook

Now that the current configuration of Champaign City Council members have settled in post-election, they will be meeting at the end of September to set goals for the term, which lasts from now until 2025. They are asking the public to share input on what they would like the council to focus on during that time. These goals will be used by the City Manager and team to “set City priorities, direct work activities, and allocate staff and financial resources.”

You have until September 10th to go to the Engage Champaign website and fill out the survey there, which has just two questions:

  • What do you value the most about Champaign?
  • What do you think the City of Champaign should prioritize and work towards accomplishing and/or improving during the next two years?

Certainly you have opinions about what the city should be working on. We do too! If you live, work, go to school, or spend time and money in Champaign, it seems worth the short amount of time to share your thoughts.

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