Smile Politely

Smile Politely is looking for writers

Our Smile Politely team is looking for writers in all areas: Arts, Culture, Food & Drink, and Music.

You do not need to be a professional writer, but please take the time to read through some of our content to see if your skills, scope, and interests align with what we do. What we are really looking for are contributers who are geniunely interested this community and have the ability to share information and observations in a clear and concise way that will be of interest to our readers. 

Generally our writers focus on one section, but if more than one interest you can dabble a bit.

Interested? Send us an email at [email protected] and let us know:

  • Who you are, what sort of writing you’ve done, and why you would be a good fit for Smile Politely. Be sure to give us a specific pitch for your first article or column.
  • A few examples of previous work if you’ve got it. 

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