Every April, a whole bunch of volunteers take a Saturday morning to clear litter and non-native plants from designated areas along Boneyard Creek. If you are interested in doing that this year, organizers are looking for people to help.
This year’s clean up is April 20th. Check in for volunteers is 9 a.m. at Scott Park. You can sign up ahead of time online, or show up that day. There will be lunch, music, and educational displays at the park following the clean up. Check the website for info on what to wear, and other details.
Boneyard Creek Community Day is organized by Champaign County Design and Conservation Foundation, Champaign County Soil and Water Conservation District, Champaign Park District, City of Champaign, City of Urbana, Facilities & Services, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Farnsworth Group, Keep Champaign Beautiful, Prairie Rivers Network, Rotary Club of Savoy, Urbana Park District, Village of Savoy, and Champaign County Forest Preserve.