Smile Politely


Birthday Boy

Mr. Coulter has a birthday and considers some fun new options for the garage. Neither of these appear to be constructive.

My Roger Ebert Story

Will Leitch, founder of Deadspin and an alumnus of UIUC, remembers a relationship with Roger Ebert that was both elating and humbling.

Hitting the Target

Kathy lets nothing (her children included) compromise her style, as she exudes grace under pressure all over North Prospect.  

A man walks in with a duck

Coulter talks about his gym and then shows us a mysterious picture of a man with a duck. Why does he have a duck? Coulter's not sure either.

With friends like these

Coulter takes a look back on meeting his friend, Eddie … and then makes fun of him all over again. He also briefly bitches about the cardinals, both baseball and papal … and then he bitches about the soda ban. Fun.

Rocking in the Free World

Coulter takes a fun little look at all the great American rock bands, you know, both of them. Actually, there are a few more, but still…

That Sunday Was Fuzzy

Coulter talks about his Sunday afternoon, you know, in that weird way he has that's not all that entertaining, but sort of is.

Stories About Balls

Mr. Coulter takes a look at basketball and has a bunch of extras this week. Try to get through it all if you can.

I love a parade

No, he doesn't. In fact, he thinks they are terrible and wants the people enjoying themselves to … well, you know…

Time for the Obama Show

As the 2012 presidential race sweeps toward election day, President Obama can remind us what being presidential looks like.

Two opponents, little value

Ladies and gentlemen, Round Two of the contentious and completely aggravating debate between Mike Coulter and arch-nemesis, Matt Talbott.