Smile Politely


So maybe we are still in Kansas

Mr. Coulter has his little say on the band at last weekend's Sweetcorn Festival. As you may imagine, he had some issues…several issues. He also had some fun…maybe.

Ask Politely #56

Earlier in the week, Ben was on the hunt for C-U's best Long Island Ice Tea, which got us thinking about this week's question: Who makes 'em the best?

Lions and Townies and Porn

Coulter shares a funny little anecdote, makes a suggestion, and some other things, including a picture he took. Yeah, we can't wait to read it either.

Pledge Drive

Coulter comes up with a new pledge for the kids to recite. It's probably as lame as the one they use now.

Another week of getting shit done, mate.

Kathy's research for her thesis may be over, but her latest research has her scared out of her mind. Hopefully next week's trip to Australia won't be a realization of everything she's been reading.

Mr. Coulter goes to Danvile

Saying goodbye to a friend and then going to Danville. It's been a busy week. Plus, something about Lady Gaga. Yeah, I know, read it anyway.

Meth-OD to the Madness

Coulter has a bee in his car … and also in his bonnet, as he announces his latest business venture. Not to give anything away, but it's meth … or is it?

Of Saws and TVs

Coulter talks about a wonderful tool that will one day kill him, and also about TV and how he will one day be able to watch it again. Oh, and also something about Gold Bond.

Random Access Memory

Living like a rockstar has really dumbed Decker down. Here's a brief look inside the messed up head of this local woman.

All over the place

Coulter covers five (count ‘em!) five whole topics this week, plus a couple of extras. Pretend you’re in some way impressed.

The boy who cried fowl

Home on the Free Range?

Champaign may overturn an ordinance barring backyard barnyards. The cocka-doodle-dos and don'ts of animal husbandry via memoir.

Space Invaders

This week, the city of Madison offers multiple opportunities for Kathy to challenge today's social norms.

We all came back alive

Coulter tells us about a little bachelor party trip to Southern Illinois. Everyone came back alive. Surprising and disappointing.

Best of luck, News-Gazette

Old John Foreman and his brood have finally made the decision to start charging folks straight cash to read the work they produce online. We bid thee farewell, old friends. Enjoy the ride, and be sure to write home.

Ask Politely #49

This week, we take a look at the expansion of Common Ground Food Co-op to Champaign. It's going to happen, but where? We're asking you what you think.

Get off my lawn, kids!

Leaving behind youth's follies and focusing on her new ability to get whatever the hell she wants, Kathy successfully copes with being yet another year older.

Making it rain

Throwing down with the girls after a family vacation helps keep the universe balanced. Unfortunately, sometimes bean burritoes and chronic coughs interfere with the big plan.

Reading is cool again

Coulter talks about how he stopped reading and then started again. It's weird, since most people probably assume he couldn't read to begin with.

So much for a tight ass

Kathy's ambitious exercise routine comes to an abrupt hault this week, but her extensive search for a stripper continues.

I mostly posed

Coulter talks about having a bunch of old friends in town for the Play or Pose celebration. It made him very tired and he may never drink again … fine, but he is very tired.

Mud is on the Way

Coulter's little ToughMudder race is finally coming up this weekend. As you might imagine, he's thrilled.