Smile Politely


Oh to be 45 again…

The end is nigh … or so it would seem, considering that The Gargoyle has made an appearance as a Drinking God.


A Water-Pic has multiple purposes, especially if you're attacked daily by a dog on your paper route. Plus, how to make homemade yogurt.

A Modest-ish Proposal

After years of troubled U of I Presidents, Jason proposes a radical change to the job description and the hiring process.

Off the rails

Andrew calls for higher standards from his local, government-owned, Amtrak service.

Familiarity breeds contempt

Voters in Champaign County went to the polls yesterday to vote in a candidate that wasn't running, a candidate who may not even live here, and a 90-year old curmudgeon. It's good to be alive in America.

Smoking is cool

Andrew tries to “bum” cigarettes from some high-schoolers to no avail. Here he talks truth and smoking.

Thy Robot Kingdom Come

Andrew calls Cormac McCarthy a “big damned sis,” ponders “The Singularity,” nanobots and more all thanks to his Siri.

Pee stains on the Arctic

Andrew says “'green' is largely out of style.” His latest piece weighs in on our candidates' approaches to the giant ball on which we live.

One word: biofuels

A tale of a private jet, a cellophane plant, a male nurse doing breakthrough research in a barn, and the boom economy that brought them together, but eventually tore them apart.

Love for sale

Andrew says that love is an untapped resource that needs to be privatized. And he knows that Mitt Romney is just the man to do it.

Irrational individualism

Jason happens upon a fancy car with Ayn Rand-supporting plates. And that gets him thinking about the myth of the self-made man.