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Here are two ways to help your neighbors this week

Close up of two plastic water bottles, laying on their sides on a white table.

Looking for a small yet impactful action to help others this week? Here are two from our local townships.

City of Champaign Township is looking for “free and clear” laundry detergent pods to stock in their Strides shelter. The shelter offers free laundry services to guests, and supplies are getting low. Order from their Amazon wishlist, or pick some up while you’re shopping and drop them off at 70 E Washington in Champaign.

Cunningham Township has been handing out bottles of water to their clients, and can’t keep up with the demand. It’s summer after all! If you feel so inclined, they would certainly appreciate the donation of a case or two at their office at 205 W Green Street in Urbana.

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