Smile Politely

Smile Politely

array(5) { [0]=> int(217562) [1]=> int(217528) [2]=> int(217589) [3]=> int(217585) [4]=> int(217329) }
array(8) { [0]=> int(217562) [1]=> int(217528) [2]=> int(217589) [3]=> int(217585) [4]=> int(217329) [5]=> int(217418) [6]=> int(217530) [7]=> int(217568) }

Flesor’s Candy Kitchen open despite challenge

The bricks are coming down and the work continues at Tuscola's Candy Kitchen. Third generation Greek candy maker and businesswoman extraordinaire Devon Flesor Story said she "hopes this gives encouragement to other small businesses who face adversity. We had no…

Array ( [0] => 217562 [1] => 217528 [2] => 217589 [3] => 217585 [4] => 217329 [5] => 217418 [6] => 217530 [7] => 217568 [8] => 217379 [9] => 217129 [10] => 217525 [11] => 217327 [12] => 217468 )